Over the past few months as I’ve started my blog, a reoccuring theme has been living in the present through principles of stillness and meditation. One reason for this focus is the very real benefit that stillness has played in the lives of our family and specifically my wife, Hill. Five years ago, while pregnant with our fifth child Jack, she experienced some medical complications that resulted in her developing severe episodes of debilitating anxiety and panic attacks. She had never experienced these before. What should have been a time joy and happiness, was actually one of struggle and despair. Those first months of Jack’s life felt beyond overwhelming for both of us.

Despite believing in the benefits of western medicine, Hill felt compelled to find a different approach. The result was a developing a stillness practice that she uses daily to help her find clarity, meaning, and peace in a noisy world (I mentioned previously she was my meditation teacher). But as she experienced these benefits she felt a desire to share the message of stillness with anyone who would listen. She created a class that she’s shared with multiple groups and hundreds of people. And now she’s launched her website to share it on online: Five Steps to Stillness Mini Course

In her newsletter from this last week she wrote (I know, cute huh? We both have newsletters…)

And this is my favorite part of having a stillness practice:

Stillness makes room.

Room to create. Room to dream, to hope, to try, to fail.

Room to live!

Room to see if you can reach that reaching.

Room to break limits, to be limitless.

Room to fall and room to rise.

Room to wander and not be lost.

Room to try and then, try again.

Room to be ordinary and to be extraordinary.

Room to be and to breathe.

It’s my favorite “room” in my house, and I think it’s gonna be yours too.

So tell me, what do you wish you had more room for in your life?

Because you are the architect, the designer & the creator.

I’m so proud of Hill for her hard work and desire to bring good into the world. I credit her for the push I needed to start my own creative journey with my blog. She is a dreamer and her goal is to help inspire and guide others to deliberately design their lives too. Check out her site. It’s definitely worth your time. Hillorydahle.com

  • Carol Hanson
    2 years ago
    I really loved meeting Hillary a few years ago. I’m going to check out her stillness and meditation information. Thanks for sharing this/her!
    • Nate
      2 years ago
      I am biased, but Hillory is the best! I think you'll like it 😊