Bryan Stevenson is an extraordinary human being. As a Harvard Law graduate he clearly had the ability to pursue many different career opportunities. Instead, he moved to Alabama and founded the Equal Justice Initiative, where he started a practice to represent those facing the death penalty. The central story in the book focuses on Walter McMillian, a black man accused of murder and placed on death row before he was even convicted. Through Stevenson’s heroic efforts, McMillian’s conviction is challenged, and eventually overturned. But the process reveals a disturbing reality of the overt racism and conspiracy to convict an innocent man. I was deeply moved by this story for many reasons that will be evident to anyone who reads the book. But I was most struck by the fact that this took place in my lifetime and for so long I was oblivious to the inhumanities that exist in our world. Injustice like this seems like it should only exist in our distant past. Ultimately what I love in this book is Bryan Stevenson’s call to view each life with more compassion and more mercy, and his absolute commitment to a cause greater than him.

  • Whitney
    2 years ago
    I loved this one! It’s just amazing to me how much privilege makes a difference in one’s life.